Hoist sling’s for use with Patient Hoist / Lifter’s vary in size, application and manufacturer. Generally you should only use a hoist sling that is specified for use by the Patient Hoist / Lifter manufacturer. Some exceptions may be allowed with custom made hoist slings for very specific uses and needs as well as general purpose slings that are specified as suitable for your type of Patient Hoist / Lifter’s.
Hoist slings are used with the types of mobile Patient Hoist / Lifter’s noted in our article about Patient Lifters / Hoists (mobile) and they vary depending upon the type of Patient Hoist / Lifter and the application appropriate to the individuals needs. This can include hoist slings for toileting, bathing, transfer and standing. The materials used for their manufacture are most often made from woven nylon and can be washed at high temperatures to ensure hygiene control.
It is important to note that carers should be trained to use a Patient Hoist / Lifter’s and slings with specific understanding of the needs of the individual they are assisting. This is important because it can be a stressful experience for someone who is being relocated with a Patient Hoist / Lifter and if the equipment or carer training is deficient this could be potentially dangerous. Typically 2 carers should assist the lift and transfer of an individual using a Patient Hoist / Lifter. We recommend that if you are considering using a Patient Hoist / Lifter with a family member or friend that you seek a professional assessment from a qualified Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist first, to ensure they can advise the appropriate Patient Hoist / Lifter’s and Sling that should be used. Do not rely on any unqualified advice regarding Patient Lifters / Hoists and Slings as there is real potential for harm should you follow the wrong advice. Most community care organisations can assist in this area as well as independent organisations qualified to provide professional assessments and advice.
We often have enquiries for this equipment and are careful to point out that we can certainly explain and demonstrate the equipment function but are unqualified to assess the needs for an individual as everyone’s condition and needs vary. Companies that sell and hire Patient Hoist / Lifter’s and Slings are NOT necessarily qualified to give advice of the specific combination of Patient Hoist / Lifter’s and Slings to use based upon your needs unless they follow the specifications provided by a qualified Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist, following an individual’s professional assessment.
More information about Hoist Sling’s can be found here
For more information or assistance contact us 1300 460 070
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